Arrearage Management Program Enrollment
{{ token_error }}
Account Number
{{ err['account_id'] }}
A request for this account number has already been received and processed.
Account Balance
{{ err['balance'] }}
Street Address (where utility service is provided):
{{ err['street'] }}
City or County (where utility service is provided):
{{ err['city'] }}
State (where utility service is provided):
{{ err['state'] }}
ZIP Code (where utility service is provided):
{{ err['pincode'] }}
Customer Phone Number:
{{ err['telephone'] }}
Customer Email:
{{ err['email'] }}
Name of Account Holder:
{{ err['name'] }}

We know that some of our customers continue to face financial hardships brought on by the pandemic. Therefore, Washington Gas is pleased to launch the Arrearage Management Program (AMP), which provides guidance, resources, and assistance to customers who are unable to pay their utility bills on time during the COVID-19 pandemic. We created this program to assist customers in avoiding additional debt, while steadily paying down any past due balances.

AMP assists customers by helping to:

  • Lower or eliminate existing COVID-19 related past due balances
  • Bring accounts current
  • Improve payment behavior on customers’ new bills
  • Avoid disconnection
  • Allow customers to remain current in their Company payment obligations

Starting November 1, 2021 and running until October 31, 2022, eligible customers may enroll in the AMP initiative. Once enrolled, customers will participate in our 12-month payment plan. Customers will pay a new monthly amount and at the same time, a portion of their past due balance will be reduced. Upon successful completion of the 12-month plan, customers will receive forgiveness for the amount included under AMP.

Because you have been approved by Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) for energy assistance, you may enroll in the program.

We look forward to helping you eliminate your past due balances with this convenient, easy to use program.

Completion and Default. The proposed AMP duration for each participant will be the lesser of: (1) the time needed for the customer to pay 12 months of billed amounts from the time of enrollment; (2) the third consecutive month a customer fails to pay their full billed amount by the due date; (3) the date the Company closes the account of a customer who has been disconnected for non-payment of newly incurred charges (not including pre-program arrears) without making payments required for reconnection; or (4) the date a customer voluntarily stops service with the Company and closes his or her account (e.g., due to a move out of the Washington Gas service territory, or into a residence where the customer is no longer responsible for bill payment). A customer is considered in default when he or she breaches conditions 2 through 4.

Collection Procedures. If a customer defaults on the AMP and experiences a disconnection, the customer will still be allowed to continue with AMP if required payments are made to restore service before the account is closed. However, AMP will default and all charges, including unpaid charges incurred during the program, would become due if an account is closed before completion. Those customers will be presented with a final bill for all past-due amounts that include any pre-program arrears not yet retired, any new arrears included during the AMP plan and any unbilled new charges calculated when the service is canceled.

Applicant's Certification.

I understand that my signature on this form provides my consent to enroll my Washington Gas account to the Arrearage Management Program.

With my signature, I understand that my Washington Gas account will be enrolled in the Budget Billing Program which spreads the cost of winter heating over the entire year and will assist in reducing service usage and bill amounts.

I have read the guidelines set forth on completing or defaulting on the program. I understand the collection procedures that may follow defaulting on the program.

Digital Signature
Printed Name
{{ err['printed_name'] }}
Title (for Non-Residential)
{{ err['title'] }}
Human Check
{{ submit_msg }}
{{ submit_msg2 }}

Thank You

Your request has been submitted to Washington Gas. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.